An extensive, semester-long deep dive into the psychic community and people who actively obtain psychic readings.
 Worked in a group of 4 people, each with different backgrounds but managed to work together successfully throughout the semester, regardless of obstacles. 
My team and I conducted one-on-one interviews, focus groups, surveys, and several in-person observations, to search for specific insights about our target audience. By the end of the semester, I truly came to appreciate and understand this audience and their mindsets. 
Each week, our group presented our findings to our classmates and instructor. And each week we gained helpful critiques and suggestions. Our findings were dissected and our classmates asked in-depth questions which we answered.

Insight we gathered after months of research and hands on experiences within the community;  Visiting a psychic and participating in psychic-related practices (tarot cards and crystals) goes far beyond a want for information but instead can be used as a form of handling anxiety and other mental health conditions. 

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