This entire campaign was developed, produced, and executed within a span of 72 hours.
I acted as team lead and kept the team on schedule as well as organizing the presentation.
Chapter 1: The Mission Objective
We were tasked with developing a TikTok campaign that could be incorporated into Duke’s existing social media presence to reach a wider audience and encourage more people to try Duke’s.
Our goal was also to be a nod to die hard fans that had loved Duke’s forever.
Chapter 2: Research
My team and I spent several hours at our local grocery store waiting by the mayonnaise section and asked unsuspecting customers why they were picking Duke’s. Though we got several awkward answers and many, MANY strange looks. One women looked me dead in the eyes and said, “It’s mayonnaise….its really not that serious.” Oh but ma'am that is where you are wrong. Because those who love Duke’s, LOVE Duke’s. With one man picking up the biggest tub I’d ever seen saying, “I don’t even touch that other shit. It’s not even real mayo."
We walked away from the on sight research with many insights and ways to take our campaign.
We also conducted an online survey given to a wide variety people through Facebook groups, Instagram, and Reddit. In our survey one respondent equated Duke’s mayo to a religion in South Carolina saying, “It’s Duke’s. It's always Duke’s. Two things are set in SC, You go to Church on Sundays and you eat tomato sandwiches with Duke’s mayo."
Chapter 3: Our Insight
A product’s common use often overshadows its potential. Through talking to lots of people we realized that most people use Duke’s purely as a condiment and nothing more. But on Duke’s website they feature several recipes that substitute Duke’s mayonnaise for eggs, butter, and other fats. Rather than convincing people to use Duke’s as a spread (which was already a heated debate).We instead decided to turn down a road of using mayonnaise in cooking.
Chapter 4: The Strategy
A hashtag that can be used on TikTok & other social platforms to promote Duke’s as a recipe substitute. Users could post themselves following the recipes on Duke’s website to encourage others to try them out. And die hard Duke’s lovers could use the hashtag to share their own tried and true recipes.
The Final Chapter: Our Deliverables
We produced 3 fully edited and TikToks where my team and I interviewed real people on the streets of Richmond, Va. In these videos we had people test a series of baked goods we had made that day. All the recipes we created were from the Duke’s website and contained Duke’s mayonnaise. We asked the testers to guess the mystery ingredient was in these baked goods.
We interviewed 6 different groups of people and edited their best answers into a series of 3 videos.